Below are some translations of the Sacred Teachings of Jodo Shinshu
Nenbutsu Gohonzon written by Shinran Shonin, property of Nishi Honganji
The Sutra of Infinite Life - Muryojugyo
The Sutra on the Contemplation of Infinite Life - Kanmuryojugyo
The Sutra of Amida Buddha - Amidagyo
Hymn of True Faith - Shoshinge
The Twelve Adorations - Junirai
Praises of the Buddha - Sanbutsuge
The Sacred Vows - Juseige
A Lamentation on Deviations - Tannisho
The Epistles - Gobunsho
Jodo Shinshu Essentials & Pledge - Kyosho & Seikatsu Shinjo
Jodo Shinshu Homages & Creed - Kikyomon & Ryogemon
Godensho - An Pictorial Biography of Shinran Shonin
A Primer of Shin Buddhism
The Collected Writings of Shinran